Entries by Richard Walton

Just One More Feature – Please!

Very often, when we are in the final stages of wrapping up a new product, we become so close to the task that we miss the big picture. The temptation to add one more feature or improvement is almost irresistible. This can also have huge negative consequences. During World War II my father served in […]


When Napoleon was asked what kind of general he preferred, he said, “Just give me a lucky general”. While I am not a big believer in luck per se, this blog makes many references to luck. It is understood that invention is all about the unexpected occurrence. Having the insight to recognize these events and […]

The One Best Way (Part 6): Cowboy Coding

Software development is hard. Whether it is combining incredible levels of creativity and complexity, or talking about the high rates of failure – the debate about software design and development techniques has a lot of relevance to other disciplines. We have already touched on the use of a grand design. This is sometimes referred to […]

The One Best Way (Part 5): Gates

Are gates the best way to manage product development? Establishing “gates” through which projects must pass if they are to be pursued is a common practice in product development organizations. I actually like “gating”, for it provides structure as well as an intellectual framework around the investment of scarce developmental resources. Naturally there are consultants […]

The One Best Way (Part 4): Creativity

Looking closer at whether there is one best way to solve a particular problem: let’s look at creativity and bringing it into your company. Can it be taught? Probably to some degree. How to invent, be more creative, or develop new products has always been part art and part science. George Bernard Shaw wrote in Man […]